PRESS RELEASE 22nd February 2022
Racecourse Approach Housing Development, Wetherby - UPDATE
Racecourse Approach Housing Development, Wetherby - UPDATE
Despite objections from Better Wetherby and hundreds of individual objectors, planning permission was given by Leeds City Council (LCC) in August 2020 to Taylor Wimpey to build up to 800 new homes on land north of Wetherby Racecourse, east of the A1 (M).
This huge housing scheme known as Swinnow Park, now has outline planning consent, subject to some 50 planning conditions in such matters as Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping of the development. All will require planning approval from LCC Planning Department.
Over the past 18 months, BW has been in regular dialogue with TW and the LCC Planners in efforts to promote measures with the aim of ensuring that the outcome will be an attractive and indeed, an exemplar development. On Thursday, 10th February 2022, Taylor Wimpey officials again met with representatives of BW to discuss the planning conditions. The meeting took place prior to a public exhibition at Wetherby Town Hall that was well attended by local people. Many of those attending expressed concern about the sheer scale of the development and the negative impact and serious implications it will undoubtedly have on Wetherby.
Chair of Better Wetherby, Roger Owen, said “It is clear to me that many Wetherby residents have been unaware of the scale of this development and the impact it will have on our Town. The public exhibition will, at least, have helped to raise awareness and allowed people to highlight their concerns to the developers. With Planning permission already granted, BW will be continuing our efforts, working with the developer and the LCC planning officials, to mitigate the negative impact on the Town and try to get the best possible outcome.”
Information, documents and plans regarding the development can be viewed on the Leeds City Council Planning portal reference number 17/02594/OT, or via our website (
For further information, please contact: Roger Owen, Better Wetherby – Telephone 07973 805055 or by email at [email protected].
The Better Wetherby Partnership is a consortium of local people from a variety of organisations who contribute to initiatives designed to help make Wetherby and the surrounding villages better for the community of both present and future generations.