Better Wetherby Partnership (BW) announces changes to its Board of Directors, effective 31st July, 2023.
Commenting on the changes BW Chair, Roger Owen said, “Recent rule changes affecting the holding of Directorships in organisations such as ours have led to Leeds City Ward Councillors, Alan Lamb and Norma Harrington being advised by the City’s Legal Team that they should stand down from their current positions in BW. Alan and Norma, being very responsible individuals, have accepted this advice and tendered their resignations some weeks ago, effective 31st July. I am sorry to lose them both, especially for their sage advice around corporate matters affecting BW but delighted they are both going to continue as members of the BW Steering Group which will maintain our conduit to the City Council and, additionally in Norma’s case, to our Partners, Wetherby Town Council (WTC) along with our other WTC representative, Cllr. Galan Moss”.
“I am delighted to announce the appointments of replacement Directors in the form of existing Steering Group members David Howard and Leslie Tyler M.B.E. Dave is a retired Pharmaceutical Consultant and is a very active member of the BW Communications Group, producing our Newsletter amongst other things. Dave also made significant contributions to the Racecourse Approach Design Workshops regarding Biodiversity and Landscape. Les is a retired Engineer who is a key player with our partners, Wetherby Churches Together and brings a critical eye to things, most recently his analysis of the Michael Gove Levelling Up and National Planning Policy Framework consultation”.
“I am delighted to have them both on the Board and also at this time to announce the appointment of a new Treasurer. I am pleased to bring onboard a Chartered Accountant with wide-ranging experience over many years which I’m sure will be brought to bear. I also take this opportunity to thank former Steering Group member Mike McKinley for holding the fort over too many months until the recent appointment. I will personally always appreciate his time and good guidance”.
Although this is not a Newsletter, our next edition will be out in September after we take a short holiday break, but can I remind readers that the Lidl Planning Application is due to go to the Leeds Plans Panel on 24th August at City Hall. BW has objected to this particular site for a supermarket as there are no valid Planning grounds for approval, a view which we feel is likely to be supported by Officers.
In our latest newsletter we also drew attention to changes in the LCC Planning Portal whereby comments made, including those by Statutory Consultees, are no longer visible. In our view this is a block on the democratic process, and we would urge readers to register their views with LCC ([email protected]). We would also advise that you can submit a “Freedom of Information” request to view planning application comments by emailing [email protected] with the planning reference number.
Thanks for reading about the next chapter of BW going forward.
Roger Owen,
Better Wetherby Partnership Ltd.
Commenting on the changes BW Chair, Roger Owen said, “Recent rule changes affecting the holding of Directorships in organisations such as ours have led to Leeds City Ward Councillors, Alan Lamb and Norma Harrington being advised by the City’s Legal Team that they should stand down from their current positions in BW. Alan and Norma, being very responsible individuals, have accepted this advice and tendered their resignations some weeks ago, effective 31st July. I am sorry to lose them both, especially for their sage advice around corporate matters affecting BW but delighted they are both going to continue as members of the BW Steering Group which will maintain our conduit to the City Council and, additionally in Norma’s case, to our Partners, Wetherby Town Council (WTC) along with our other WTC representative, Cllr. Galan Moss”.
“I am delighted to announce the appointments of replacement Directors in the form of existing Steering Group members David Howard and Leslie Tyler M.B.E. Dave is a retired Pharmaceutical Consultant and is a very active member of the BW Communications Group, producing our Newsletter amongst other things. Dave also made significant contributions to the Racecourse Approach Design Workshops regarding Biodiversity and Landscape. Les is a retired Engineer who is a key player with our partners, Wetherby Churches Together and brings a critical eye to things, most recently his analysis of the Michael Gove Levelling Up and National Planning Policy Framework consultation”.
“I am delighted to have them both on the Board and also at this time to announce the appointment of a new Treasurer. I am pleased to bring onboard a Chartered Accountant with wide-ranging experience over many years which I’m sure will be brought to bear. I also take this opportunity to thank former Steering Group member Mike McKinley for holding the fort over too many months until the recent appointment. I will personally always appreciate his time and good guidance”.
Although this is not a Newsletter, our next edition will be out in September after we take a short holiday break, but can I remind readers that the Lidl Planning Application is due to go to the Leeds Plans Panel on 24th August at City Hall. BW has objected to this particular site for a supermarket as there are no valid Planning grounds for approval, a view which we feel is likely to be supported by Officers.
In our latest newsletter we also drew attention to changes in the LCC Planning Portal whereby comments made, including those by Statutory Consultees, are no longer visible. In our view this is a block on the democratic process, and we would urge readers to register their views with LCC ([email protected]). We would also advise that you can submit a “Freedom of Information” request to view planning application comments by emailing [email protected] with the planning reference number.
Thanks for reading about the next chapter of BW going forward.
Roger Owen,
Better Wetherby Partnership Ltd.